Monday, March 29, 2010

Day One - Actual versus Budget

Landed on time, after several movies. :0) Our stop over in Vancouver was a big success, we had about eight hours or so to blow. We took the sky train into the city and then hiked over to Stanley Park from the Waterfront stop. Once there, took the horse drawn tour of the eastern portion of the park. While on the loop, it started to hail! small pebbles but the horses didn't seem to mind one bit.

After hiking along the waterfront, lost among the towering condos that seem to grow like redwoods along the shoreline, dripping with opulence, we stopped for the beer, cheap too at $4.50 and it occurred to me that it was cheaper to fly in and visit than it was to live in Vancouver.

The flight to Auckland lasted 13 hours or so. Just enough time for a couple of movies and some troubled sardine sleep. Three glasses of red wine and Men who stared at Goats did the trick for me.

The plane landed on time and our rental car provider, Eastern Car Rentals showed up promptly at eight. We first had to clear immigration and bio control, they actually scrubbed my hiking boots down before I left the airport.

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